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Some details...

City SoundsIn re-imagining The Forever Garden, it occurred to me that there were many details that I had not shared. Notes were taken, as per usual, with all of my recording sessions, so I had a lot of information that I thought would be interesting.

Summer 2019 Update

City SoundsA year ago I decided to put a hold on my album to be entitled Touch the Sky. That was a good decision and not a result of ADD (which I think most musicians suffer from). Musically I have not stopped since then. There have been a number of commercial projects that have come my way and I wanted to do them justice and not be split between my personal musical journey and other things that had to get done (you know, pay the bills kind of thing).

Summer Delay

City SoundsTouch the Sky was supposed to be here already. All of the ideas were in place. Most of the tracks were in place. Everything was on schedule. Then I decided I needed to breathe a minute.

Coming soon- Touch the Sky

City SoundsWith the completion of City Sounds in September, I thought I might take some time off from music. After all I had a lot of things going on...things that would probably bore you, but still, enough to make me take a break. Yep. That was the plan. Uh, no. Music never leaves the brain, or the heart.

City Sounds- coming soon!

New Album
27 years ago...eish...I embarked on an experimental musical project. The concept was to infuse my music with media, effects, sound clips and other items to make for a cohesive industrialized album. The resulting product was interesting but fell far from my original vision for it. The project included 26 (not kidding) musical tracks. For the most part, the technology I was working with was not up to what I was hearing in my head.

My new profile website

New Album
Just wanted to take a minute to share my new profile website with everyone. It is exciting to introduce!

This will be a new avenue to promote my compositions and services for use in media, film, and commercials. Feel free to visit anytime for current information on my projects.

The Organic treatment

New AlbumAs the finishing touches are happening with Princess and the Pea and we near the release day (Wednesday), I thought I would share a little background on the project and how it came together. The project started no different than any other: I sit at the keyboard and stare at the keys waiting to see if anything will happen.

Princess and the Pea (announcement)

New AlbumThis is the official announcement of my upcoming project named Princess and the Pea. While not a thematic album in the traditional sense, you will find the orchestral style music to be quite cohesive. I leaned on some stories and life experiences for the inspiration of these songs. I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as I did creating them.

The projected date of release is March 1, 2017.

Alius Gloria

New AlbumThis is not the place for me to rant about 2016. It seems the acting and artistic community got hit really hard with loss. Add my mother to that list. So needless to say it has been a hard year. Life and creativity continue to move on though, and this IS the place to talk about that.

Streaming music

StreamingAll of the albums listed here are available for streaming at your favorite outlet now such as YouTube Music, Spotify, Media Net (Beat), Apple Music, Amazon Prime, and Google Play!


Unfinished This is a mental note for posterity sake. In the past when I put together an album there are "fragments" or leftovers of music that just did not get worked on or completed for various reasons. Sometimes I go back and revisit a musical piece and finish it leaving it to end up on another album. Other times it is completely abandoned.

Some updates...

Cra+ OnsObviously I had to make some changes on this website. A whole lot has been accomplished and most of my releases are up. I have included links for purchasing the albums from various sources for anyone interested.

Also I have resumed work on Cra+ Ons which should still be on target for a December release. I have linked to two of the completed songs on this CD under "releases".

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