Some details...
In re-imagining The Forever Garden, it occurred to me that there were many details that I had not shared. Notes were taken, as per usual, with all of my recording sessions, so I had a lot of information that I thought would be interesting.
Looking back to that time, I realized that the time period also was slightly overlapping with another CD project I did, Mood Ring. So I went back to those notes as well...long story short, I discovered many notes that I felt worth sharing here. On each of the album pages, over the next few weeks, I will be expanding the information available on each project and offering more details on the experience of writing and recording the various pieces of music. As time goes along (over the next several months) I will go into more detail on each individual song (that info will be found on the song page).
I also want to make all of the music listenable from this website. So hopefully that will be available by the end of the year. I will keep you posted here!